Joining two pieces of a project together may seem like a simple task, but the specific types of joints used in woodworking can be quite complex. From the flat polygon miter joint to the bare haunched mortise and tenon joint, there are approximately 46 different types of joints commonly used in cabinet construction, and new ones can still be invented or discovered. The reason for such a wide variety of joints is that each one accomplishes the task of joining two parts of a project in a slightly different way, enhancing durability and aesthetics. This is where the skills of a professional cabinet builder shine through in their style and craftsmanship.

While edge butt joints and flat butt joints are the two basic methods for attaching the sides of a cabinet box or the pieces of a face frame, they may not always be the strongest or most visually appealing options. Instead, a cabinetmaker selects the type of joint to use based on the specific needs of that joint in the project. For instance, lap dovetail joints are commonly used to join the sides of drawers, as they offer a secure hold against constant pushing and pulling, while also supporting the weight of the drawer’s contents.